Who is Max Valor in Halo Infinite? [Everything you must know]

Who is Max Valor in Halo Infinite? [Everything you must know]

In the Halo Infinite video game, Max Valor is a fictional character that appears in the form of an achievement that players can earn by completing all Valor-awarding activities. It is one of the toughest achievements to earn in the game, and it requires players to complete a series of objectives, including all story missions, clearing out all Banished facilities, attending to all UNSC rescue beacons, and destroying all Banished propaganda towers.

Completing all of these objectives is no small feat, and it requires a significant amount of time and effort on the part of the player. However, the reward for doing so is significant, as it unlocks the ability to deploy a Wasp or become an expert at hijacking Banshees with the Grappleshot. In this article, we will take a closer look at each of the objectives required to earn the Who is Max Valor achievement in Halo Infinite.

Why I can’t get Max Valor in Halo Infinite?

There could be several reasons why someone is having trouble getting the Max Valor achievement in Halo Infinite.

1. Not completing all story missions

The Max Valor achievement requires completing all Valor-awarding activities, including all story missions. If any missions are left incomplete, the achievement cannot be obtained.

2. Missing collectibles

While the Max Valor achievement does not require collecting all of the game’s collectibles, some of the propaganda towers may be difficult to locate without exploring the game environment thoroughly.

3. Not attending to all rescue beacons

The UNSC rescue beacons are required for the Max Valor achievement, so make sure to visit each one on the map.

4. Technical issues

Some players have reported issues with the achievement not unlocking even after completing all requirements. This could be due to bugs or glitches in the game.

5. Difficulty level

Completing all Valor-awarding activities on a higher difficulty level can be challenging, so players who are struggling may need to adjust the difficulty or seek assistance from others.


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How to earn Max Valor in Halo Infinite?

Complete all Story Missions

The first objective required to earn the Who is Max Valor achievement is to complete all of the story missions in the game. This is a significant task, as there are a total of 13 story missions in Halo Infinite, each of which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours to complete, depending on the difficulty level and the player’s skill level.

The story missions in Halo Infinite are an essential part of the game, as they provide players with the context and background information they need to understand the game’s plot and characters fully. Completing all of these missions is a significant achievement in and of itself, and it is a crucial step towards earning the Who is Max Valor achievement.

Clear out all Banished Facilities

The second objective required to earn the Who is Max Valor achievement is to clear out all of the Banished facilities in the game. These facilities are scattered throughout the game world and are marked on the player’s map with a purple icon.

Clearing out a Banished facility requires players to defeat all of the enemies inside the facility, including any bosses or mini-bosses that may be present. This can be a challenging task, as the enemies in the facilities can be very tough, and players will need to use a combination of skill, strategy, and teamwork to defeat them.

Attend to all of the UNSC Rescue Beacons

The third objective required to earn the Who is Max Valor achievement is to attend to all of the UNSC rescue beacons in the game. These beacons are scattered throughout the game world and are marked on the player’s map with a green icon.

Attending to a rescue beacon requires players to clear out any enemies in the area and rescue any UNSC personnel that may be in danger. This can be a challenging task, as the enemies in the area can be very tough, and players will need to use a combination of skill, strategy, and teamwork to rescue the personnel successfully.

Destroy all Banished Propaganda Towers

The fourth objective required to earn the Who is Max Valor achievement is to destroy all of the Banished propaganda towers in the game. These towers are scattered throughout the game world and are marked on the player’s map with a red icon.


Destroying a propaganda tower requires players to use a variety of weapons and tactics to take down the tower’s defenses and destroy the tower itself. This can be a challenging task, as the towers are heavily guarded, and players will need to use a combination of skill, strategy, and the experience got by playing the game. 

1. What is the reward for earning the Who is Max Valor achievement? 

Earning the Who is Max Valor achievement unlocks the ability to deploy a Wasp or become an expert at hijacking Banshees with the Grappleshot.

2. Do I need to collect all of the game’s collectibles to earn the achievement? 

No, the Max Valor achievement does not require collecting all of the game’s collectibles, but some of the propaganda towers may be difficult to locate without exploring the game environment thoroughly.

3. Can I complete the objectives required for the Max Valor achievement on any difficulty level? 

Yes, the objectives can be completed on any difficulty level, but completing them on a higher difficulty level can be more challenging.

4. What should I do if the achievement does not unlock even after completing all requirements? 

If the achievement does not unlock, it could be due to bugs or glitches in the game. Try restarting the game or seeking assistance from others.

5. Can I complete the objectives required for the Max Valor achievement in co-op mode? 

Yes, players can complete the objectives required for the Max Valor achievement in co-op mode, but each player will need to complete the objectives themselves to earn the achievement.

6. Can I still earn the achievement if I missed attending to one of the UNSC rescue beacons? 

No, attending to all of the UNSC rescue beacons is required for the Max Valor achievement, so make sure to visit each one on the map.



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